Happy Gratitude Day (Thanksgiving 2021)

Tis the season to look through my daylily bloom photos and put together my gratitude quote of the year. This year, I picked orange daylilies to highlight the quote on gratitude from The Little Book of Gratitude by Robert Emmons. My silly dogs (The City Slickers) also appear in the credits. I hope where ever you are, you enjoy a little gratitude today.

Mama Cuna and the Banana Yucca

There are a zillion daylily gardens that are larger than my little half lot. What makes my garden a little unique (other than my collection of Roberts spiders) is the Southwestern native plants.

Mama Cuna cuddling tha banana yucca in my yard – nearly finished painting

I absolutely adore my daylily-yucca combination photos. Mama Cuna is one of my favorite because of her huge blooms size and purple-red color. It’s a stunning mix with the green-aqua banana yucca leaves.

The first petal appears on the wood

So, this photo of Mama Cuna caught my eye for a painting. This is an 8×8 inch wood panel with lively acrylic paint. The rock bed background is always a fun challenge. And, those cool curly cue yucca spines.

The yucca taking form.

I’ll be listing both the painting and photo prints to my Etsy store tomorrow 11/3/21. Perfect Christmas present for a daylily lover! Www.etsy.com/shop/ArtfromtheHartt

Now, for the rocks and yucca spines.