Another Peakish Day

It was another peakish in the daylily garden. Not as many first blooms for 2023 as yesterday (or last year), but a decent number. It’s too late to catch-up to last year, but this hot weather is doing its darnedest.

I feel a little sad for my desert daylilies when it’s so hot and dry. They like the South or humid areas with rain much better. Blooms are so faded and look like melted wax by noon in so many. I’m not saying I don’t love them but the reason I take so many photos is to savor the blooms at their best without cooking myself in the sun.

Anyway – here is my Instagram reel with photos for today.

Cultivators in order of appearance: Mayan Poppy, Pick of the Litter, Mildred Mitchell, Star Over Milagro, Truchas Sunrise, Little Grapette, Hesperus, and Bold Tiger.

We had a little monsoon today. Let’s hope the rains are back for the season. Short, intense, unpredictable but cooling and all moisture helps.

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Lady Fingers and the Thin Man

It made me chuckle to have a man and a lady in the crop of “new for 2022 daylilies today. Other firsts were Stephanie Returns and Isaac – those names honor my daughter and grandson. See the instagram reel below for photos. In order: Stephanie Returns, Isaac, Thin Man, and Lady Fingers.

I’m trying not to feel totally disappointed by my underachieving Southwest Name Garden this year. So many with healthy leaves but no scapes this time around. Maybe Mother Nature is giving me a break.

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Now, That’s Orchid!

Ninety plus degrees and single digit humidity. It’s called fire weather and makes my phone ping alot. But, it was the first day I had a dozen cultivators in bloom.

Orchid Moonrise first bloom 7.7

Today’s “new for 23” blooms were Orchid Moonrise, Catherine Irene, and Inwood. Orchid Moonrise looks a little like the great pumpkin watching over the Southwest Daylily Garden. But she is not orange, she is a gorgeous orchid color.

Catherine Irene first bloom 7.7

Catherine Irene was mom’s name and is my first bloom in the Family Garden. Inwood is a reliable old favorite.

Inwood first bloom 7.7
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Que sera, sera

Whatever will be, will be. Such is the lesson of the daylily garden.

Look, I’m exhausted today so quick run down on my premiers today. Then, zzzzz!

I will say a word about my garden’s family section. I have Stephanie Returns, Oh Erica, Isaac, Mayan Poppy (for Maia), Mini Pearl (actually, my grandmother’s name), Catherine Irene (mom’s name), and Santa’s Pants (dad played Santa for years in Estes Park). So, today, Isaac bloomed. It’s a sweet, simple bloom. A bit of a unique shape for a daylily. Kind of like a tulip. I love the green eye. Just right for my grandson.

Isaac 7.6

The other newbies were all reds with yellow eyes đź‘€.

As for tomorrow, Que sera, sera