Alberto Reigns and Rains

Today was one of the stormiest days I remember here. The remnants of Tropical Storm Alberto have been hitting the Four Corners and San Juan Mountains hard. My ditch lilies are likely pretty happy about all the moisture.

I had 3 “first of 2024” cultivators in bloom today. Fried Green Tomatoes had her first-ever bloom (in my yard) today. I really like the color combo. Of course, with the drenching rain and wind, everything is a little waterlogged.

The other firsts for this season are Kokopelli and Indian Love Call.

I am a little uneasy with the slow state year and the number of scapes. Perhaps Alberto will do some magic! I didn’t go out and count today – but I will tomorrow when the sun returns to duty. Daylilies require an inch of rain/week. Montrose gets less than an inch a month. So, Alberto reigns.

The Late Show

Sorry, no blog for a few days. Had some evening social events. I’ve had several mid-late and late cultivators join the collection of 2023 blooms. Here we go.

Thursday 8.3 blooms in order: Purple Corn Dancer, Spirit of the Morning, and Zuni Eye. All Ned Roberts spiders on this day.

Friday 8.4 blooms in order: Heirloom Heaven, Shape Shifter, and Memories of OZ. Potpourri day as far as colors, shapes, hybridizers.

Only 2 today (8.5) – so regular photos. Had an orange and yellow theme.

Dream Catcher first bloom 8.5
Frans Hals first bloom 8.5
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A Mountain Peak in Kansas

Peak this year is going to be more of a Kansas Peak than a Colorado Peak. So many plants either succumbed to the prolonged freeze-thaw or they just didn’t put out scapes. Many early bloomers seem to be missing, but my garden is trying.

I came home from camping to 15 new cultivators in bloom for the first time in 2023. Here is my Instagram reel from today.

Names in order: The Colorado Kid, Burgundy Crab, Papa Longlegs, Kachina Dancer, Apache Beacon, Black Ice, Cheyenne Eyes, Indian Giver, Soco Gap, Melon Balls, Mini Pearl, Classy Lady, Orange Flurry, Cherokee Star, Platinum Pink Pallette Whispers.

Here is my Instagram from Sunday. I don’t think I posted it since we went camping.

Tomorrow’s another daylily.

Please visit my website

Lady Fingers and the Thin Man

It made me chuckle to have a man and a lady in the crop of “new for 2022 daylilies today. Other firsts were Stephanie Returns and Isaac – those names honor my daughter and grandson. See the instagram reel below for photos. In order: Stephanie Returns, Isaac, Thin Man, and Lady Fingers.

I’m trying not to feel totally disappointed by my underachieving Southwest Name Garden this year. So many with healthy leaves but no scapes this time around. Maybe Mother Nature is giving me a break.

Please visit my website

Cheddar Cheese and Buttered Popcorn

I always chuckle at the food named daylilies. I had Cheddar Cheese and Buttered Popcorn both in bloom today. This was a first bloom for 2023 for Buttered Popcorn 🍿. I’m getting a craving now.

Other “first for 23” blooms for 7.11 – Amazon Day – were Mauna Loa, Purple Moonrise, and Pueblo Dancer. Please check out my reel with photos.