Alberto Reigns and Rains

Today was one of the stormiest days I remember here. The remnants of Tropical Storm Alberto have been hitting the Four Corners and San Juan Mountains hard. My ditch lilies are likely pretty happy about all the moisture.

I had 3 “first of 2024” cultivators in bloom today. Fried Green Tomatoes had her first-ever bloom (in my yard) today. I really like the color combo. Of course, with the drenching rain and wind, everything is a little waterlogged.

The other firsts for this season are Kokopelli and Indian Love Call.

I am a little uneasy with the slow state year and the number of scapes. Perhaps Alberto will do some magic! I didn’t go out and count today – but I will tomorrow when the sun returns to duty. Daylilies require an inch of rain/week. Montrose gets less than an inch a month. So, Alberto reigns.

The Red Blooms are Coming!

I had 3 new cultivators in bloom for 2023 today: Happy Returns, Indian Love Call, and Ruby Spider. The few blooms get lost in slow-moving garden. Ruby Spider stands out, though.

Happy Returns first bloom 7.2
Indian Love Call first bloom 7.2
Ruby Spider first bloom 7.2

Santa Claus & The Eye of God

No, this is not a religious post. It’s about my daylily blooms today. And, as for now, all hell (meaning chaos) has not broken loose. I only had 3 premiere or first blooms for 2022 today.

Ojo de Dios 6.28

First, another Ned Roberts spider, Ojo de Dios. Translates to the Eye of God. This is my 7th Roberts spider to bloom for 2022.

Indian Love Call 6.28

Indian Love Call also made her premiere. She is my best rebloomer so I put her in 2 places this year.

Santa’s Pants 6.28

Where does Santa fit in? Well, Santa was hiding older the shrub when I went on my morning walk. So, he got missed until I found him wilted in the afternoon sun. Poor Santa. I have him in my collection because my dad played Santa for many years when I was a kid.

Many buds, maybe a little monsoon action tomorrow. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever had so many in bud in the front garden. I started hooking up my drip system intermittently in laye March. Maybe this is the payoff.

July Daylily Roundup A-M

The next two posts are a listing of the daylilies that have bloomed ANYTIME during July – even if they started in June. It is a large list but also a colorful one. I believe only 3 of my cultivators were totally done in June – Saratoga Springtime, Scorpio and yellow Stella de Oro.

If you like Ned Roberts cultivators, you have come to the right place because I have about 70 of them, and most (except Navajo Curls and Adios Albuquerque) that are going to bloom the year have bloomed sometime during July.

I went to the rodeo here last night, so I am all practiced-up and ready to go.

Alabama Jubilee 6.26-7.10
All American Chief 6.22-7.9
Apache Bandana 6.30-7.10
Autumn Jewels 7.16-present
Aztec Firebird 7.8-7.31
Baby Blue Eyes 7.6-7.27
Baja 7.10-7.29
Bella Boo 7.2-7.16
Bela Lugosi 7.4-7.26
Big Red Rhyme (NOID) 6.22-7.11
Black Arrowhead 7.6-7.30
Blackthorne 7.6-7.13
Black Eyed Susan 7.4-7.19
Black Ice 7.4-7.18
Blue Beat 7.9-7.17
Buttered Popcorn 7.7-7-25
Candy Cane Dreams 7.1-7.19
Canyon Colors 6.15-present
Catherine Irene 6.24-7.13
Chaco 6.27-present
Cheddar Cheese 7.3-7.17
Cherokee Star 7.9-8.1
Cheyenne Eyes 7.6-7.19
Chief Four Fingers 6.12-7.15
Chokecherry Mountain 7.5-7.27
Chorus Line 7.6-presend
Classy Lady 7.6-7.29
Coburg Fright Wig 7.11-7.30
Comanche Princess 6.18-7.11
Coral Taco 7.2-7.16
Cricket Call 7.3-7.17
Cripple Creek 7.19-present
Dancing Maiden 7.16-present
Desert Icicle 7.26-present
Dr Doom 7.30-present
Dream Catcher 7.14-present
Dream Keeper 6.11-7.1
Early Bird Cardinal 6.27-7.13
Echo Canyon 6.21-7.10
El Desperado 7.17-present
Fairytale Pink 7.11-7.17
Feather Woman 7.5-7.9
Fine Time Lucille 7.10-7.17
Fol de Rol 7.4-7.17
Fooled Me 7.10-7.16
Frans Hals 7.15-present
“Fringe Benefit” 6.27-7.12 (mislabeled bonus)
Funny Valentine 6.20-7.8
Ghost Ranch 7.12-7.17
Glen Eyrie 7.25-7.30 (started while I was on vaca 7.19-24)

Golden Eclipse 7.16-present

Happy Hopi 7.7-7.31
Happy Returns 6.27-7.12
Heavenly Curls 7.5-7.17
Heirloom Heaven 7.25-present
Hesperus 7.12-present
Holy Sombrero 7.7-7.25
Hopi Jewel 6.27-7.17
Iktomi 7.9-7.29
Indian Love Call 7.13-7.27
Indian Sky 7.13-present
Indian Giver 6.30-7.17
Inwood 6.22-7.12
Jungle Queen 7.1-7.19-24? Finished during vacation
Just Plumb Happy 7.4-7.15
Kachina Dancer 6.30-7.16
Kokopelli 6.25-7.19
Lacy Doily 7.3-7.16
Lady Fingers 6.23-7.19
Land of Enchantment 6.23-7.11
Lime Frost 7.11-7.16
Lobo Lucy 7.13-7.31
Longlesson Showoff
Lullaby Baby 7.7 to present
Mama Cuna 7.11-present
Marque Moon 7.13-7.19 (ended 7.19-7.24 during vaca)
Mauna Loa 6.27-7.10
Maya Cha Cha 7.4-7.19
Medicine Feather 7.5-7.18
Melon Balls 7.6-7.15
Mesa Verde 6.15-7.13
Mini Pearl 6.26-7.31
Mount Echo Sunrise 6.28-7.19

July Round-up N-Z – click here for more beautiful July blooms!

Please contact my business – Art and Nature from the Hartt for sales questions/availability.

Love Ya to the Moon!

Holy cow! I had almost 70 again today. We have been hovering in the 60s since 7.5. That is definitely a record of some sort. That said, the finales are starting to outnumber the premiers, so it should start to die down soon. That being said, I have about 30 with scapes that have not yet bloomed. I think my bloom rate is around 66% currently. (I finally moved my daylily software from my old computer – which took an hour to boot up 😛 )

Here we go – today we had two loves, one moon and one timber wolf as premiers.

Winds of Love 7.13 – I love the mellow colors of this Roberts spider.
Indian Love Call 7.13 – Weirdly putting out a first bloom when it normally is in rebloom mode.
Marque Moon 7.13 – A funny, ruffley guy from the local nursery
Lobo Lucy 7.13 – Another Roberts spider out dancing with her Chokecherry Mountain cousin.

Finales for today were:

Catherine finale 7.13
Early Bird Cardinal 7.13 finale
NOID Purple Mystic 7.13 finale
Wild Horses 7.13 finale. Was in bloom almost a full month.
Blackthorne 7.13 finale after producing only a few buds and not blooming for several years.
Mesa Verde finale 7.13. In bloom almost a month.
Wineberry Candy finale 7.13. This guy didn’t have a great year and likely needs some new soil.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Daylilies of Corona: June Blooms

Last year, I posted all my blooms each week on Sunday since it is too much to do daily. This year, I am going to try to do a recap at the end of the month. So, for June 2020, we had the following 50:

All American Chief 6.26.20
Blue Beat 6.2020
Canyon Colors 6.19.20
Catherine Irene 6.28.20
Chaco Canyon 6.25.20
Cheyenne Eyes 6.30.20
Comanche Princess 6.29.20
Coral Taco 6.30.20
Dream Keeper 6.7.20
Early Bird Cardinal 6.29.20
Echo Canyon 6.29.20
Funny Valentine 6.19.20
Happy Returns 6.21.20
Hopi Jewel 6.28.20
Indian Love Call 6.25.20
Inwood 6.24.20
Jungle Queen 6.21.20
Kachina Dancer 6.30.20
Kokopelli 6.25.20
Lady Fingers 6.30.20
Land of Enchantment 6.20.20
Laughing Feather 6.26.20
Mauna Loa 6.28.20
Mesa Verde 6.28.20
Mildred Mitchell 6.24.20
Mini Pearl 6.28.20
Mount Echo Sunrise 6.30.20
Name Unknown “Nosferatwo” 6.25.20
Nurse’s Stethoscope 6.22.20
Ojo de Dios 6.28.20
Petite Petticoats 6.24.20
Pink and Cream 6.24.20
Pink Enchilada 6.30.20
Pink Rain Dance 6.29.20
Prairie Blue Eyes 6.29.20
Primal Scream 6.30.20
Purple Many Faces 6.25.20
Return a Smile 6.25.20
Rocky Mountain Pals 6.29.20
Ruby Spider 6.24.20
Santa’s Pants 6.28.20
Saratoga Springtime 6.18.20
Golden Stella de Oro 6.18.20
Yellow Stella de Oro 6.28.20
The Colorado Kid 6.24.20
Thin Man 6.30.30
Wild Horses 6.29.20
Wineberry Candy 6.28.20
Yellow Punch 6.19.20

Be Like A Daylily

As I scribe this, I sit in my tent near Blue Mesa Lake in Colorado. The wind finally stopped. It’ll be cool tonight, low 40s.

Clump of Indian Love Call 6.26.20

Maybe the reason I like camping is the raw exposure to nature. It’s how my daylilies live. And, they don’t have sleeping bags for the cold nights or tents to protect they from the wind. No wonder drought years (50% of the time?) Take their toll on bud count and bloom rate.

All American Chief 6.26.20

I had some great premiers today. All American Chief was a bonus plant I got 6 years ago that finally bloomed last year. It reminds me of Ruby Spider.

Cheyenne Eyes 6.26.20

Cheyenne Eyes is a pretty Robert’s spider with an interesting color combo.

Comanche Princess 6.26.20

Comanche Princess also has a premiere. I live her curly spider legs.

Yellow Happt Returns 6.26.20

My other pot that says Happy Returns had a bloom. I think it’s a little more yellow that the other pot I have on them.

Laughing Feather 6.26.20

It’s 10. I can barely keep my eyes open. I’m usually up until after midnight. The melatonin of watching a sunset, maybe feeling the temp drop. We respond to nature’s signals just like the daylilies.

Comanche Princess double bloom 6.26.20

Happy Birthday, Erica. May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease.

I Have My Droughts

I left the new sprinkler system on too long – I got on a video meeting and totally forgot. I am sure I will have the water bill from h@## this summer. Why??? Because see the map below – the darkest red is an “exceptional drought”. The blue circle is my home region. It is a drought year, and getting worse each day.

Image from

It’s the kind of year where there are less scapes and more buds that just turn brown and fall-off. Two years ago, we were probably in worse shape at this point . . . and that is why I started to think about more drip systems. I mean, mine are DIY but they do the trick to make the ground moist. Even if they cost more than mom nature. Water now . . . before the restrictions!

Ruby Spider 6.23.20

I had a few premiers today. Let’s start with Ruby Spider. While I always liked daylilies, she is the first one I looked forward to every year. She is the first one that had her own unique flower-ality.

Primal Scream 6.23.20

Primal Scream – I had to have this one early in my daylily days because of the name! I got this sad, inexpensive fan that took a couple years to bloom. Then, the garden store sold me something they labeled as Desert Flame – but I am 99.9% sure it is also Primal Scream. So, I have one on the porch that is big and blooming.

Mount Echo Sunrise 6.23.20

Mount Echo Sunrise – A Robert’s spider with the coolest green throat and beautiful light yellow color. She lives up to her name.

Mystery Daylily – “Nosferatwo” 6.23.20

Then – one of my mystery daylilies that were dying in a garden I put them in before I was into daylilies. They were little seedling sized things. I noticed that about the same time I realized my potted daylilies were 2-3 X the size as my in-ground babies. So, I put them in a pot together not having a clue what was what. I think this may be Nosferatu but I really don’t know, so she is called Nosferatwo for now.

Indian Love Call 6.23.20

I have my droughts that it will be as high of a bloom rate as last year. There are some cultivators who are still small and scapeless. These poor babies came from down South – daylily land. Here they are in the stinkin’ desert doing their best despite their droughts. (I had 21 in bloom today . . . let’s see what tomorrow brings.)

Drip, Drip, Drip

I will say one thing positive about the pandemic is that I have spent a lot more time in my yard and patio doing projects that I have wanted to do for some time.

Dream Keeper 6.21.20

So, today I extended my side yard drip system to the upper part of my front flower bed. I am guessing there are 50 plants in that area – so it took a chunk of time. I was nervous to hook it up, but it works fine. My sprinkler system is great for the lawn, but not for the flower pots. It is just not enough. So . . . I will come back to drip systems in a minute.

Mauna Loa 6.21.20

First, I had several premiers. Mauna Loa is a pretty Ned Roberts daylily that I added last year. It is one of his older ones, but the color is still vibrant.

Petite Petticoats 6.21.20

One of my minis, Petite Petticoats, gave me a premier bloom today, too. I seriously almost missed her in a big bucket of minis.

Purple Many Faces 6.21.20

Purple Many Faces showed her face for the first time in 2020 today. Another colorful Roberts cultivator.

Return a Smile 6.21.20

Oh, and sweet Return a Smile. She was one of my very first daylilies and always makes me smile.

So, that is it for premiers today. Likely, this week, I will shift to premiers only. I have a couple honorable mentions today. I had 4 premiers this week that didn’t open right the first time. Now, they are back with their normal beauty – Kokopelli, Land of Enchantment, Jungle Queen, and Mildred Mitchell.

Kokopelli 6.21.20
Land of Enchantment 6.21.20
Jungle Queen 6.21.20
Mildred Mitchell 6.21.20

OK, back to the drip system. Last year, I put one in on the front part of the bed I did today. Again, it had a lot of plants and I was new at doing drip systems other than it a short line. So, I did it the same, and needless to say, the drippers at the end did not have enough pressure.

Funny Valentine 6.21.20
Indian Love Call

I decided to research it and you need to put the line in a continuous circle – so both the start and end of the tube connect to the tap. Earlier this spring, I went back and fixed the front so it worked correctly. And, I am seeing a difference in the plant health – we will see on bloom rate. So far, Stella is much happier. And, my poinsettias are in heaven!

Mesa Verde 6.21.20
Ojo de Dios 6.21.20

I don’t have either of the newer drippers on a timer – other than my brain. It is still a lot easier to crank the hose and do something else for 30-60 minutes that haul water to all those pots.

Saratoga Springtime 6.21.20
Happy Returns 6.21.20

I am wondering if peak will happen before my trip in 2.5 weeks. I know it will be busy with blooms. I just need to get away and have an adventure.

Stella de Oro 6.21.20
Stella Yella 6.21.20


Today, I woke-up late because I worked until midnight on a supply list for one of our new programs. It is busy on top of COVID-19 – the world of nursing academics is and will stay upside-down.

Blue Beat 6.19.20

I was foggy . . . but when consciousness returned, I realized it was Juneteenth. I knew nothing about Juneteenth until I lived in Galveston and read a book by the same name. It is a day worth remembering.

Dream Keeper 6.19.20

We live in a world that seems shaken by so much right now. But, I am free to go out in my yard and take photos of the 13 bloomers of the day. All are different colors, and I treat each the same. I am free to write the blog. I can put just about anything I want in this blog – that is freedom. I can be a crazy daylily lady – that is freedom.

Funny Valentine 6.19.20

The other cool thing about today is that my Nurse’s Stethoscope daylily bloomed her premier bloom. She is the one I suggested the name for through the Daylily Society. She is named for the Show Me Your Stethoscope episode of the View. Maybe COVID-19 has helped the world understand all of the capabilities of my profession.

Nurse’s Stethoscope 6.19.20

I had a few other premiers – I do believe the peak is beginning to build. Canyon Colors had a premier bloom today. There is so much grass in her put that she didn’t put out many scapes. I was going to replant her in March, but couldn’t get out to buy the soil before she got too big.

Canyon Colors 6.19.20

Indian Love Call had a nice first bloom. She is loaded with buds.

Indian Love Call 6.19.20

Land of Enchantment had a premier bloom that looks almost as beat-up as Kokopelli did yesterday. I think it is bud damage from the big windstorm a couple weeks ago.

Land of Enchantment 6.19.20

It is Friday, summer solstice is tomorrow. It just feels like a significant day.

Happy Returns 6.19.20

My flowers today are dedicated to those who don’t know the same freedoms that I have known. And, they are dedicated to the frontline workers during COVID-19 – my Nurse’s Stethoscope seems to say “thanks” to my colleagues.

Laughing Feather 6.19.20

It’s my home weekend tomorrow. A few things planned around the yard. Solstice . . . Summer Solstice. And, I get a little sad knowing that the days will start shrinking, again.

Mesa Verde 6.19.20

Enjoy the show below . . . almost time to limit to just premier blooms in the daily blog.

Saratoga Springtime 6.19.20
Stella 6.19.20
Yellow Punch 6.19.20