Begonias: A Shift to Livingroom Gardening

My last Purple Corn Dancer came and went on 9.1. And, so drought and high temps end the season a few weeks early. I’m working away at my potting project with the daylilies. Every other weekend, I get about 20 done. I have a couple more weekends of labor ahead.

Begonia Rex – Fireworks?

So, with freeze a month or so away, my mind turns to my houseplants. My orchids have thinned through neglect and sales.

Begonia Rex Escargot

I’m sticking primarily to succulents, bromeliads, air plants, and begonias. Begonias weren’t originally in the plans, but I have a couple of Rexes that have been favorites for years. They really help me calm my soul.

Begonia Rex Marmaduke

So, I’m adding more and I thought I would share the pretty leaves here. I’m hoping that I get better at growing these because they are stunning color in my livingroom.

Yellow tuberous begonia bloom
Tuberous begonia with burgundy leaves
San Francisco tuberous begonia
Angel wing begonia Looking Glass
Rex Begonia – Jurassic Watermelon?
Cane/Angel Wing that’s gotten too big,

Perhaps it’s the end of daylily season that leads me to impulse buy begonias on Etsy this year. But, I think it is actually an antidote to work stress this year.

rhizomatous begonia Tiger Kitten
Baby Rex Begonia- Jurassic Pink Splash
rhizomatousRizomous begonia – Autumn’s Best
Rex begonia- Dainty Lady
Rex begonia – Robert Shatzer
Rex Begonia- Autumn

I’ve never acquired begonias through the mail. Thanks to mail order daylilies, I now realize my options for many plants are beyond the available of local nurseries.

The dry air is hard on the Rexes, but the small ones are now pots inside large glass vases on damp lava rock. I only lost one before I figured out the modified terrarium system. I hope I can grow and love these for years.

I have a few more in transit. Can’t wait. And, then I must wait because it will be too cold to ship. When spring comes, I will focus on my yard. It’s usually September that is my month for houseplant sprees.

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