
Today brought the 8-hour drive home, across the desert.  A detour to pick up the dogs, then home to see what was in bloom.  I have several new faces to share tonight. All were a little cooked by the time I pulled into the driveway at 3:30 PM.

Bela Lugosi is a new addition this year.  I wanted big and purple.  And, so it is.


On the softer side is the return of Lullaby Baby for 2017.  She has been with me several seasons.


And, Marque Moon with a near white bloom with a nice ruffled edge.


Melon Balls makes me smile.  Looks just like its name!


Thin Man is such a cool daylily – I love this one.  It was in the very first order of daylily roots that I ever planted.  I had no idea what to expect then.


The last one is a tiger, but I don’t know the name.  The nursery was not sure what it was, so sold it to me at reduced price.  I knew it was a tiger because several were in bloom near it . . . this is the first ever bloom for mine, even though I put it in last year.


Chicago Apache bloomed today, but I missed it and just now remembered.  Not much point at 10:30 PM.  I’ll feature it next time it blooms.

Tomorrow, I think there will be more new faces.  Peak is here.  Or very close.  I noticed that desert icicle is sending up scapes.  I keep hoping for more . . . a long season would rock.  It’s good to be home.

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