Santa came early . . . or late!

I haven’t blogged since fall hit the air.  (And, I adopted a new special needs dog.) But, today warrants a post because I had a new (first time in my “yard”) daylily bloom today.  And, the funny thing is that it was Santa’s Pants . . . seems appropriate for the season.  The other odd thing is that one of my poinsettias is already blooming some.  So, what a great combo.  Summer and winter, together on Halloween.



By way of history, I noticed a scape on Santa’s Pants circa 3 weeks ago – after we fell to 26 degrees.  But, I am optimistic and it was potted, so I moved it into my back porch, with some nights in my bathroom (I have to hang it to cat-proof it) and some warm days in the full sun outside.  The temperature is warmer on the porch, but the light is more direct outside.  It has been a balance. The photos look a little weird inside my porch, but it works.  3 more buds.  Love having blooms into November.


Many Blessings

It nears September.  Today, I did musical Amaryllis pots.  Some of my bulbs are 4 feet tall now.  Never doubt that you get more plant if you buy from a nursery vs big box or grocery store.  They are a cool addition to the landscape.  In pots, of course.  I can’t believe it is nearly time to bring them in to hibernate for a bit.  And, my two poinsettias will be a pain to get into bloom, again.  But, I am up for it.



Stella de Oro


And, so I am beginning to plan past daylily season.  I hope to have blooms through September.  Maybe, if another scape appears, they will go into October.   It happened last year . . . into November.  I await my last addition . . . Nurse’s Stethoscope.  I have her pot ready.  As soon as the weird weather passes Kentucky, she will be on her way.



Passionate Returns


It is time to blog less.  I am ready to watch some videos in the evening.  I am taking steps to decide what my new steps will be.  I hope I can get my orchids to bloom this winter! And, keep my new azalea blooming.  I hope this winter brings many blessings.  We shall see.  No matter what, the blooms will help.



Yellow Punch


Daylilies: My Gateway Addiction

I want to start by saying that daylilies are a gateway addiction.  They bring flow, or engagement, though. So, it’s an authentically happy addiction.  This winter brought poinsettias, amaryllis, orchids, and calathea. Oh, and growth to my Rex Begonias.  . . Maybe their colorful leaves are also a gateway.

My last post was about poinsettias in hybernation.  I lost the one that I posted the picture of last time. Of 16, I’ve lost 2. The one in this photo (below) has beautiful purple bracks (or colored leaves). I think it’s going to pull through, though it has no leaves other than a couple sprouts like this. The releafing is in its early to middle stages on all of my babies, who live on the sun porch by day.


Purple poinsettia

The orchids are still blooming, mostly.


The Rexs and Calatheas just have showy leaves year around. I live the colors.



And, today, I turn to my outdoor garden, where daylily sprouts are everywhere.  The ones in pots on my outdoor porch get the most southern exposure.  They are getting big! This is Ruby Spider yesterday.


Spring is only hours away!

Out of the frying pan, into the fire

Daylilies for 2017 ordered. Unless Solstice, my cat, killed the potted ones that she dug up. So, I wait for spring.

My Amaryllis are done. The bulk of my poinsettias are hibernating, at least to some degree. I have over a dozen and figured I’d loose a few by spring.  So far, all still have green stems.


They have been spending warm days on my fiber glass back porch. It’s on the south side, so makes a good ggreenhouse.  My evergreen daylilies are out there. Man, I hope Mesa Verde, Canyon Colors, and Wild Horses are resilient. Not happy with my beloved Solstice a out this. For now, we wait for growth.

I’ll update when the new growth comes. I’ll be putting the poinsettia pots in with the daylilies.  Can’t wait.


Sometimes, A Brown Thumb

I’m new with poinsettias.  Like I was with daylilies and garlic 5 years ago. And, so, I’m down one from last week. Another is in ICU with my begonias.  They don’t like cold. That’s for sure.

I also have a couple new additions. This little deeper orange guy is cool.


And, this pink and red dapple replaces my sweet peppermint colored one.


This one has neat red and white coloring. It was the closest thing to peppermint I could find.


It funny how much less fragile poinsettias are after a summer in the garden. These guys are bloomed as throw aways. I’m guessing I’ll loose more, but still excited to see which ones choose to stay.


Poinsettias: A daylily gardener’s winter smile :-)

My daylily gardens are under a few inches of mulch as it spits snow.  My family is headed home after a Thanksgiving visit.  Christmas and winter are upon us.  What is a daylily hobbiest to do?  How about invest in some cool colored Poinsettias?

I am working from home, so I am really enjoying my indoor garden this year.  And, poinsettias are cool because the blooms last most of the winter months.  Then, come spring, they and the amaryllis can grow strong for next winter by hanging out between the blooming daylilies in my garden.

I am trying to learn the names of the poinsettias this year.  So, bear with me and don’t take this as gospel!  This one is called Picasso, I believe:


And, this one is called Pink Carousel:


This one is Mars Marble:


The one below also looks like Mars Marble.  This one has a cool half-and-half effect of the hybridizing.  (PS that is why I got a second one like this!)


This one is White Star, I believe:


The one below I purchased last year for Thanksgiving.  It was a very pretty orange.  It is just starting to put out bracks now, so I am guessing when I say it could be Cinnamon Star. PS – I have new ideas to improve my blooming process next year.


This is a Sonora White Glitter:


This one may be Ice Chrystals:


And, just a guess, this could be Premium Lipstick Pink:


The one below is a purple/burgundy color with pink marbles.  I looked and could not find a clear match.  If any readers have ideas on the name of this variety – or any others – please let me know!


Next up, the Amaryllis.  See you then!  Thank heaven for the sanity that winter blooms bring!  Who else loves these???